
Hyperice has a variety of different recovery devices that provide the following:

Percussion- Percussion therapy concentrates targeted pulses of pressure into the muscle/tissue of the body, helping to relieve muscle pain, stiffness and soreness, and increase range of motion. Percussive stimulation provides comprehensive relief by reaching both the superficial and deep muscle fibers.

Vibration- Vibration therapy consists of repeated rapid oscillations of localized pressure into the body’s muscle and connective tissues. Lower speeds are useful for muscle relaxation and recovery while high speed is more ideal for muscle activation and performance. Muscles involuntarily relax and contract, promoting the body’s recovery from aches and pains, and helping enhance range of motion, pain tolerance, and muscle performance.

Dynamic Air Compression- Dynamic air compression effectively mimics the muscle pump of the legs and arms, enhancing the movement of fluid and metabolites out of the limbs after an intense workout. Studies show this can help relieve muscle aches and/or pain and temporarily increase circulation resulting in increased flexibility and range of motion, injury prevention, and accelerated recovery time.

Ice Compression- Ice compression therapy combines cold and compression to help pump away edema, reduce swelling, and soothe away pain. The localized application of cold temperature temporarily restricts blood flow to the injured area, while the compression reduces swelling by pumping away built-up fluids. This encourages healing and reduces pain for any injuries that cause swelling and inflammation, including a variety of muscle, tendon, and ligament injuries, such as sprains, strains, and tears.

Heat- The therapeutic application of heat causes a change in temperature of the soft tissues which can help decrease joint stiffness and relieve muscle spasms. When combined with the benefits of vibration, localized heat helps warm, loosen, and relax sore and stiff muscles. Ideal for warmup, recovery, and relief for muscle and joint stiffness, the combination of thermal therapy and vibration therapy is unparalleled.