Movement | Exercise | Self Care
Learn and Integrate
Make Time for You
Movement | Exercise | Self Care
Movement | Exercise | Self Care

“The problem with most therapy is that you feel better, but you don’t actually get better. You have to back it up with ACTION, ACTION, ACTION.” - Dr. Albert Ellis

At Unlock | Bodyworks we believe that movement and self Care are essential to a thriving lifestyle. This is why we commit to Integrating movement and self care coaching into your Massage and Bodywork sessions, and encourage you to explore the many ways you can bring healthy movement, exercise and self care into your life.

BOOK NOW or call Unlock | Bodyworks at 720-819-7287

Learn and Integrate
Learn and Integrate

“Arguably one of the most important roles for any good therapist is to teach the individual how to better take care of themselves.” - Patrick S. Cross, LMT, CPN, CET


Movement is essential, but it is not enough to simply move. One must regularly engage in activity that is physically demanding, dynamic, and fun. That is one of the best ways to energize the body and mind.


A good coach is the key to properly unlocking a person’s potential. We work closely with the trainers and coaches at Explore Fitness, led by two time olympian Carl Van Loan and elite trainer Taylor Jackson (teaching the battle ropes above) and highly recommend their classes and personalized training programs.


A community that moves and plays together is far better equipped to meet the hurtles and stresses of life. At Unlock | Bodyworks we strive to help you find a movement community that fits your needs, budget, and goals. That may be through online meet-ups, gyms, leagues, or many of the other potential options available for you to join in on.

Make Time for You
Make Time for You

Even if you only have a few moments, take those moments to clear your head and enjoy some movement.